An absolutely lovely, squishy, wet wander through the woods this morning with a good friend. Only found 1 mushroom, but we spent a long time taking in all the teensy details that can only be seen by really slowing down, pausing, and noticing. The mosses and fungi and lichen are a world unto themselves – an entire universe on a single tree stump. It’s so so SO important to take the time to slow down and just pay attention 🙂

(If anyone is interested in my new mindfulness with nature journal about this exact thing, here’s more information about it!)

I spent quite a while looking at the dazzling array of colors, textures, and life-forms on an area of an old stump about the size of a hardcover book. So good to pause, be still, and simply notice.

It is especially amazing being able to share time like this with someone who gets just as geeked-out as I do about the small miracles happening all around us ❤